Personal Training

There is no doubt the FASTEST way to achieving your health and fitness goals is to work with a Personal Trainer. New Level trainers have a training system that is tried and tested and works 100% of the time!

Seeing a Personal Trainer is like having your own ACCOUNTABILITY COACH. Sure, they tell you what exercise to do and what exercise NOT to do! What to eat and what NOT to eat. But really, it’s the “CHECKING IN” that gets clients the results they are chasing. The more often you see your Personal Trainer, the faster you will achieve your goal… SIMPLE AS THAT!

Our clients are busy, time-poor people who simply want to outsource their health & fitness goal (what ever it may be) to a qualified professional to take care of….just like getting a bookkeeper to take care of your books.

It’s all about motivation & being accountable to someone.

When you call us on 9325 1808, I’ll invite you into the studio to do a Free Goal Setting Consultation with me.

Common client goals include:

  1. Lose some weight
  2. Tone-up…everywhere!
  3. More energy in my day
  4. Stress management
  5. Train for an event
  6. Fit into old clothes
  7. Fit into new clothes
  8. Look good with no clothes!

Once again, above all else, the #1 reason people come & talk to us is…”MOTIVATION.”

When you become a New Level client you’ll receive your own:

  1. Goal Setting Consultation
  2. Comprehensive Health Profile & Report
  3. Nutrition Analysis & Plan
  4. Kick-Start Welcome Kit
  5. Choice of 2, 3 or 4 Tailored Sessions Each Week
  6. Exclusive Studio Membership (Unlimited)
  7. Customised Self-Motivation Sessions
  8. Ongoing Trainer E-mail & SMS Support
  9. Motivation, Nutrition & Fitness Newsletter
  10. Results Week Benchmarking Every 8 Weeks
  11. Choice of Personal Training, Buddy Training or Group Training Sessions

Call me on (03) 9325 1808 to schedule your no-obligation Goal Setting Consultation or complete our Pre-Exercise Questionnaire NOW!

Pre- Exercise Questionnaire
sales consult
ryan and sharon